Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Wean week 2 + Videos

Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving!
Kiersyn with her Uncle Skyler
Post-surgery continues to be exciting. Last week I woke up around 3am with a sharp headache unlike anything I had ever felt before. It was localized to one spot behind my left eye and made it hard to go back to sleep even after painkillers. Around 6am it was so bad it was the kind of pain that makes you unable to sit still or quiet. I was writhing in pain and couldn't think straight and we were about to head to the ER when I found some stronger pain pills left over from right after surgery and took two. It took about an hour and sitting with scalding hot water pouring over my face to make it until the doctor's office open. It turned out I had scabbing that had formed holding fluid in my upper sinuses. Let me tell you, having that removed was not pretty. Nor did it feel good. Now we are hoping there's no infection and I go back next week to make sure!
In Kiersyn news...It seems we have chosen a good time to wean as they have just completely quit making the generic form of her medicine. The generic cost us $10. The name brand is $132 after insurance. Wow. Luckily, Walmart is being amazing and getting leftovers from everywhere they can and letting us pick them up a couple pills at a time as they get them in. BUT she is doing GREAT on her medication wean! We have successfully halved her morning dose. At first she started spitting up a ton again and her sleep was really messed up. She couldn't nap for more than 20 minutes at time BUT it lasted only a few days and it seems everything has calmed down. However, with the changes, she has become very attached to her routine and her crib which led to an absolute meltdown on Thanksgiving. I'm feeling leery of our Christmas travels and how it will all work out. In any event, we are moving even slower than the 6 week recommendation and hopefully that will help with any other complications. Kiersyn is now feeding herself small solids like yogurt melts and cereal puffs AND... for three days in a row now she has had two meals of actual baby food and not had any serious issues with it. !!! Hopefully, one of these days a tooth will show up.

Enjoy the videos!
The first is learning to play peek-a-boo, the second is her checking out her Kiwi Bird from New Zealand (she has an aunt, uncle and cousins there who she will meet for the first time at Christmas!), third is playing with bubbles, fourth is dancing and the last one is my little jumping bean.

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