Saturday, November 12, 2011


I survived surgery. I can now add functional septoplasty, turbinate reduction and balloon sinuplasty to my list of unpleasant experiences. The first day was not all that bad due to the influence of anesthesia though I apparently gave everyone a scare waking up from surgery. I’m not sure of all the details since I wasn’t truly aware but it seems I had a hard time waking up from anesthesia and went into tremors, finally woke up, started talking and was being moved to recovery when I suddenly went back under. They had called Danley back already and then were upset to have him there because I wasn’t really waking up. I remember them calling my name a bunch and telling the anesthesiologist “No, she isn’t just asleep, it’s neurological.”  Just keeping things interesting.
I will spare you too many details but recovering from nasal/sinus surgery is gross and uncomfortable. Lots of swelling, bleeding, itchy internal stitches, inability to breathe or sleep plus nausea from steroids, antibiotics and pain pills abound. However, I am beginning to feel a bit better and hopefully it all gets better from here!
Thankfully, I have my amazing mom who, despite dealing with her own pain, was able to stay with us the first two days and take care of both baby K and myself. Thanks mom! Danley has taken over for the weekend and let me brag a minute here because I am so incredibly blessed to have a wonderful husband who is entirely capable of taking care of Kiersyn. I hear a lot of complaints from moms about their husbands being clueless about taking care of the kids and I just can’t imagine. I mean, my husband often reminds me of things I’ve forgotten to pack in the diaper bag.  It’s such a relief to have a husband who is an entirely equal parent, knows her schedule, and doesn’t need instructions. Love. Him.
Kiersyn is her happy self for the most part. She has occasional times when she is cranky, just seems exhausted all day, and like her face is puffy and swollen. Those are things we will be addressing with the endocrinologist in addition to her random weight gains/losses in a few weeks. It seems quite likely to me that if these things are not a thyroid problem – they are side effects from her reflux medication. The knowledge that we have to attempt to wean off it at some point looms ahead...
With not much else to report, I’ll leave you with some pictures of the baby girl.

1 comment:

  1. So glad to hear that your momma and Danley were able to help. LOVE the pictures and I'm glad to know the back story behind Dan sharing his treat. :)
