Thursday, July 5, 2012

Summer Fun

As you can see in the video, this past week Uncle Skyler visited and brought a gift for Kiersyn that she's pretty in love with - the Leapfrog Jr.
Little paleontologist
We also visited the Dallas Museum of Nature and Science Children's Museum. It wasn't exactly all we had hoped but Kiersyn had fun despite the fact that it was crawling with LOTS of other kids. Her favorite part was a giant rock pit where the kids could uncover bones that we had to drag her away from. She also got to "milk" a cow (fake, plastic cow and the "milk" was water).

Milking the cow!

She loved ROARing at the big animals.

 4th of July - We actually really celebrated on the 3rd. We took Kiersyn swimming at her KK's house and then went to Addison for Kaboom Town. Luckily, my mom and I discovered a place to park last year that seems to be relatively undiscovered so we were able to avoid the half a million strong crowd and had plenty of room for Kiersyn to wander around while we tried to keep her awake. She made it though and really enjoyed them - oohing and aahhing in surprise.
Copying Dad

What? These don't go?

She wanted to swim by herself. on her own. no one touching her.

Trying to stay awake for fireworks

Success! There they are!

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