It has been a very busy couple of months. Danley has been so busy with church events - float building and Easter prepping we have hardly seen him lately. We're looking forward to things settling down for a short time before Summer takes off.
Kiersyn's been busy too - we went to see Country Critters when they came to visit the dayschool and she went to the butterfly exhibit at the Fort Worth botanical gardens with her KK and Poppi.
We were in the Rodeo Parade last weekend. Dayschool had a Noah's Ark float and the kids dressed as animals to ride on the Ark.
Yes that's the front page of the newspaper! Tell my husband how awesome his float idea was!
Mr. Dan in costume, working the crowd.
Notice K decided this was a great time for a nap
We took bluebonnet pictures right down the street from us. They are
amazing this year! The "good" pictures are of course on Facebook but
here are some outtakes.
I love her face. Straight out of Calvin and Hobbes.
Drowning in Bluebonnets. Told you they were amazing!
Today was the "Easter Eggstrazaganza". Kiersyn was having somewhat of a rough day but still hunted eggs like an old pro! Check her out in the video below!
"I said, no pictures."
Sweet Baby.
Then we went to see the Easter Bunny at the mall (ugh). I was afraid K would freak out. Instead she thought the bunny was hilarious, hugged the bunny, cuddled the bunny and shed a few tears when we had to leave.
K has been seeing a chiropractor for a few weeks and we have seen
wonderful results -- Heaven help us she's been sleeping through the
night (12-13 hours) for nearly 2 weeks. All is not entirely well though -
she still has reflux trouble with citrus and fruit and we are waiting
for the results of some GI tests to see if they can pinpoint anything
else that might be exacerbating her problems. She also continues to display food seeking behaviors that can be downright exhausting. It seems to be simply habit leftover from comfort eating at the height of reflux - something that we hope, like the rest of it...will simply get better with time.
Thankfully, most of the time she is just a very happy toddler. It just amazes me every day how big my baby is getting. She has started to randomly repeat things we say, she nods yes and shakes her head no, she's climbing on everything, running, kicking and throwing a ball, she can point to all the parts of her body and say most of them. She's been going to classes at The Little Gym and loves climbing all over the gymnastics equipment and walking on the balance beam!
Below is a video of time with Dad before bed tonight - they're playing some ridiculous game where shoes are bombs. I'll have it be known that I did not condone this activity ;)
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