Saturday, September 24, 2011


First - Praise God that Kiersyn appears to be improving. We are using Carafate (her magic medicine) on an as-need basis in an attempt to eventually wean. Though, when and if that can happen could be a long way off. We are also attempting to transition from her elemental, amino acid based formula to a soy formula. It has only been a couple days but so far, she has not had a terrible reaction to it. She is spitting up less and drooling less. Both indicate that her reflux may be improving. Infants with severe reflux often produce excess saliva to help neutralize the acid. Please continue to pray that we are slowly seeing signs that she is on the way to outgrowing reflux.

Also, her Steri-Strips came off and you can barely even tell she had surgery! There is a tiny little line where you can see the incision was but I think her scar will barely be noticeable.

On a different note ....
Kiersyn's newest skills.

She is amazingly accurate at rolling. She will look, assess where she wants to go, turn her body in the right direction, roll a few times, re-assess, rotate if needed and roll again. She can get anywhere she wants to go doing this. However, she does rock on her hands and knees occasionally. So maybe she is slightly interested in crawling. She also stands holding on to things and tries to pull herself up but we don't have anything the right height for that. Which is fortunate since the child loses her mind if she bumps her head.

She says Dada and Da-ad non stop. But even BETTER she has started seeing how loud she can scream/squeal in the highest pitch audible to human ears. It is precious and not annoying. Ever. At least, that's what I keep telling myself.

She's gotten really good at manipulating (read: grabbing, yanking, tearing, and generally destroying) objects with her hands.
Major developments: She figured out how to undo simple velcro. That's right. That means you have approximately .2 seconds to get pants on her before she rips the diaper off.
She also learned to clap! But, of course, she refuses to when you ask her to. Video coming whenever I can catch her doing it.

She's all about exploring her world and grabbing anything within reach to examine.
Major developments: Apparently this also means putting her hands IN anything that looks like a large enough opening. In case you were wondering, the dumb attach-another-toy-here ring pictured below IS NOT large enough for her to stick her arm in it and easily remove it again. That's right. Arm-stuck-in-ring-angry-baby-chaos did indeed ensue.

And lastly, right before we lowered the mattress, she developed the very cute habit of checking to see who was coming to get her from the crib.


  1. I'm so glad you and Kiersyn having a time of relief. Hopefully she is on her way to out-growing her reflux. Give her a little kiss for me. She is an angel.

    I wish I lived next door but this is great too. Please share more videos.
    Kiersyn is so much fun to watch. She's also clearly a genius and the cutest baby ever.
