Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Psalm 18:28

Kiersyn did pretty well today.
She wasn't allowed any bottles after 4am and only Pedialyte or water until 7. Of course she refused to drink the Pedialyte and would only take a little water. I was afraid she would be starving by the time they took her back but she ended up being fine and only fussing a little before they took us back.
We actually got to carry her back to the procedure room and stay with her while they gave her the anesthesia and she fell asleep. I was thankful for that.
It was quick, maybe 30 minutes. When she was waking up from the anesthesia was the worst part. I could hear her crying and if I stood at the door of our waiting room, I could see her in post op. She was thrashing around and crying and I wasn't allowed to go to her. It was the worst few minutes ever. They're lucky they moved her to recovery when they did because I was coming for her, whether I was "allowed" or not.
She was upset for awhile but by the time we were allowed to leave half an hour later she was pretty much herself again.
She came home and did a lot of lying around and sleeping the rest of the day

Everything looked normal in her stomach and duodenum. Her Lower Esophageal Sphincter or LES was lax and stayed open, which only tells us what we already know - she has GERD.
They took biopsies of her esophagus, stomach and duodenum to look for other digestive issues - bacteria, malabsorption, gastritis, esophagitis, celiac disease etc. We should get the results Friday or Monday.

Thank you everyone for your prayers and encouragement.

Oh, and a funny thing happened tonight.
It rained.
It was short, just a few drops. It was dark and thundering but we went outside and listened and let the sprinkles rain on us. And then just a few minutes later in the midst of the storminess, a tiny part in the clouds opened and the sun shone glaringly bright through the darkness.

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