Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Sweet Songstress

Kiersyn has become quite the little singer. She jams along to the radio and surprises us singing along with songs we didn't even know she knew! She makes me sing song after song after song and says "more songs mommy!" ... I'm running out of things to sing!

Monday, November 5, 2012

Starting School

 In October, Kiersyn went to Dayschool for the first time. The goal is for her to go regularly enough for me to substitute teach half days on Tues/Thurs. I'm very grateful that it can work out how it does - Danley can drop her off at 9am, see her at lunch (11:25) and bring her home after she eats. Which means she's only without one of us for a little over 2 hours and that helps this mama (who had always imagined being a stay at home mom 24/7) feel a little better. She also seems to enjoy it, as she gets really excited when we tell her it's time for school. She has already brought home a few new phrases like "hello friends!" and the not nearly as cute "this mines" (yes, with an "s"...).

First Day
Off to school

School Picture

First Memory Verse

One of Kiersyn's first attempts at her memory verse. I had only sung it with her 3 times! Don't listen to my terrible singing. The song goes "I can do all things, all things, all things. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me! Phillipians 4:13."

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Lots of fun, Halloween was

Ready for toddler story time at the library

Singing at story time
With the party people, waiting for a sticker

Yoda does puzzle

With Anthony the Elephant... the fish are her favorite part of the library

Ready for Fall Festival!

Let's go!

We'd been there 3 minutes when she decided she had to check out her loot.
Already digging into the "candy"... don't tell her pretzels aren't candy.
Han Solo, Yoda and Princess Lei