Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Sales, Sinus Surgery and um, some more videos.

Last weekend we stayed with my parents to help with their garage sale. Let me tell you that my family knows how to do garage sales right as you can see… 
That’s SOME of what we had ready Friday night to put out Saturday morning! It was crazy but ultimately successful. Kiersyn had fun helping and learned to wave in the process. Here’s a video to prove it AND a video to show you how to keep an 8 month old entertained all day at a garage sale.
Kiersyn has been off of Carafate for awhile now. The first few days were not fun for anyone and even though she now fights having to do anything laying down (which makes diaper changes pretty difficult) and has fussy days here and there, things seem to be evening out. She has gone to a milk-based formula (no more prescription formula!!) and is a happy girl for the most part. In fact the baby that screamed non-stop only a short time ago seems somewhat like a distant nightmare. It is possible that she outgrew a milk allergy around 6 months and it is also possible she is still intolerant as this formula is “partially hydrolyzed”. I don’t know if we will ever know since it is likely she will outgrow the problem before she can talk to us about it. Despite these improvements, she is still having major issues trying to eat solids. All it takes is 1/3 a jar of the wrong food and we are up with a very angry baby in the middle of the night. It’s hard to figure out WHAT the “wrong foods” are and WHY. We don’t know if some foods just irritate her reflux or if it is allergies or intolerances… it is so frustrating that she can’t just tell us what’s going on. It is also difficult to keep trying different things knowing we are constantly taking a chance of her being in pain and us not getting any sleep at all. It seems consistent that carrots and anything with carrots in it causes problems. No big deal, just don’t eat carrots right? It’s not like carrots are the number one ingredient in baby foods right? No, water is. But guess what’s second? That’s right, carrots. Almost EVERY “Stage 2” baby food available has carrots as a filler. Pick up a jar of “Tender Beef and Spinach” and read the ingredients: water, carrots, beef, spinach. Yeah, that’s right. Since I don’t want to spend all day making a million different purees WITHOUT carrots in them to try just one bite and then toss, it also seems easier to wait until she can eat finger foods. Since she has had so little experience with foods, we’re a little behind on that. We’ve tried to use those Gerber Graduate puffs to teach her the concept of putting food in her mouth but she consistently hands them to the dog…  They look similar to her reflux pills which may be part of the problem…
In any event, she is on the move! Crawling, pulling up, standing for .2 seconds at a time, even cruising a little. Luckily the little chunk isn’t very fast…yet. J She claps, waves, and says “Dada”, “Uh-oh” and “Whoaa” when she is surprised or impressed.  She is basically brilliant. J
In other news, as many of you know, I have been fighting chronic sinusitis that has turned into full blown bronchitis and upper respiratory infections many times over the past 6 months. I saw an ENT a few weeks ago who stated I would not find relief until I had my deviated septum repaired. Thinking that was ridiculous, I went to a different ENT for a second opinion who promptly did a CT scan and even more urgently assured me that I need surgery. My septum is severely deviated and she actually suggested 5 surgeries (to be done at one time) that involve a lot of bone removal and reshaping in addition to a balloon sinuplasty. The pain and time involved in recovering sound really unpleasant and will require a lot of help around the house and with Kiersyn… I am pretty apprehensive about it and have been putting off actually scheduling the surgery because of it. However, the thought of being able to breathe normally again and not being sick every month is thoroughly appealing and I know it really needs to be done.
Please keep these issues in your prayers and send up one of thanksgiving for Kiersyn’s continuing improvement.

Here's a couple more videos for good measure :)